Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Clean House

The Clean House

This guest post from Lenny Mcknight

There’s nothing like coming home to a clean house which is why I finally broke down and hired a housekeeper. I love being able to do it all myself but with the promotion I’m going to have to cut way back on the time I spend at home and really up my hours at the office. Shelly seems really great though and I love how clean she gets everything in my house from the microwave to the baseboards. I went to securitychoice.COM/ before I hired her so she and I have had to pick a password she can remember so the police don’t get called every time she comes over to clean! Even my neighbors were alarmed the first time she pulled up in her huge van! Anyway, I totally trust her and it’s been great to find someone through referrals rather than just online because I don’t have to worry about her taking anything or not doing a really good job. I hope we get to keep her around for years to come!
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